Refill Ammo to Max Capacity

Ensure you're always locked and loaded with the Refill Ammo to Max Capacity cheat. This cheat instantly refills the ammunition for all your weapons to their maximum capacity, ensuring you're fully prepared for any firefight or confrontation that comes your way in the chaotic world of Bullworth Academy.

Whether you've expended your ammo in intense battles, completed challenging missions, or engaged in reckless mayhem, activating the Refill Ammo to Max Capacity cheat will restock your arsenal with an ample supply of bullets, pellets, or projectiles for every weapon in your inventory.

With your weapons fully loaded and ready for action, you can confidently take on bullies, prefects, and other adversaries, asserting your dominance and maintaining control over the volatile social landscape of Bullworth.

Activate this cheat and ensure that you're always armed and dangerous, ready to unleash a relentless barrage of firepower as you navigate the challenges and dangers of Bullworth Academy.

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